Pulmonary Medicine


What is Pulmonology?

Pulmonology is the division of medicine  concerned with diseases and disorders of the lungs and respiratory system. Pulmonologists deal with complex pulmonary problems.

Pulmonologists are physicians who are specially trained to diagnose and treat diseases of the lungs and respiratory system.

Procedures & Services

Pulmonary conditions such as: 

Pulmonary Function Tests

Pulmonologists will usually conduct Pulmonary Function Tests in order to measure how well the lungs function and transfer oxygen to the blood.

Three tests are commonly used to detect Pulmonary disorders including:

Spirometry Test – This test measures how well the lungs exhale air. It can be used to diagnose obstructive lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. The test is conducted by having the patient breathe into a mouthpiece that is connected to a spirometer. The spirometer measures the amount of air and the rate at which it is inhaled and exhaled. Usually the test is conducted by breathing normally into the spirometer but in some cases more forced breathing is required.

Body Plethysmograph – This test measures lung volume, which can help detect restrictive lung disease. The patient is asked to sit in a clear booth and breathe in and out into a mouthpiece. The pressure inside the box changes allowing lung volume to be determined.

Diffusion Capacity Test – This test is used to determine how well oxygen is transferred from the lungs to the bloodstream. The test is conducted by having the patient breathe in carbon monoxide for a very short amount of time. When the patient exhales, the amount of carbon monoxide is measured. The amount of carbon monoxide inhaled is compared to the amount exhaled to determine how well gas is moving from the lungs into the blood.

How to Keep Your Lungs Healthy:

  • Don’t smoke – Not smoking or quitting if you are a smoker is the number one way to keep your lungs healthy.
  • Pay attention to symptoms of lung disease – Symptoms such as chronic cough or shortness of breath can be warning signs of lung disease.
  • Talk to your physician – If you experience any symptoms of lung disease, make your doctor aware of them. Early detection is important.
  • Breathe clean air – Many lung conditions can be caused by secondhand smoke or pollution. Asthma is often triggered by an allergic reaction, so asthma sufferers should avoid the outdoors on days when the allergen counts are high.

Slocum-Dickson’s Board Certified Pulmonologist

Pulmonology Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants