Please note: A Referral is required for endocrinology care
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism
What is the Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Department?
Provides complete care for a broad range of medical conditions including Endocrine and Metabolic disorders.
What is Endocrinology?
Endocrinology is the study of medical disorders related to the endocrine system and the secretion of hormones. The endocrine system is made up of a group of organs whose primary function is to secrete hormones. These organs include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovaries and testes, and the pancreas. Hormones are produced by these organs and carried through the blood stream to other organs.
What is a Metabolic Disorder?
A metabolic disorder affects a person’s ability to produce energy through the metabolic process. Those affected by the disorder lack the enzymes necessary for certain steps in the process. Most metabolic disorders are genetic, but a few are brought on by diet, toxins and infection.

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is on the rise in the United State, about 7% of the population has diabetes. This disease causes the body to not produce or properly use insulin, which is the hormone used to convert sugar and other foods into energy. A clear cause of diabetes is unkown, but it appears that excess weight and inactivity are contributing factors.
Types of Diabetes
A person’s body does not produce insulin. This occurs in about 5-10% of diabetes patients.
A person’s body is insulin resistant, meaning insulin is not used properly in the body, and the person is insulin deficient. This is the most common type of diabetes.
Occurs in pregnant women at a rate of about 4%.