Glenohumeral Joint Viscosupplementation

  • Purpose – To alleviate pain and increase range of motion affected by osteoarthritis and the weakening function of the shoulder joint.
  • Overview – Viscosupplementation is an injection of a synthetic form of joint fluid that lubricates the joints, allowing the bones to move smoothly over each other. The synthetic joint fluid also acts as a shock absorber.
  • Before the procedure – No special preparation is needed prior to viscosupplementation.
  • Details – The procedure begins with the sterilization of the skin where the injection will take place, followed by an anesthetic to numb the injection. Once the accurate location of the injection is determined, the synthetic joint fluid solution is injected directly into the joint. Typically, three to five injections are delivered over several weeks.
  • After the procedure – It is possible that a local reaction, such as pain, warmth, and slight swelling occurs. To relieve these symptoms, an ice pack may be used. It is also recommended to avoid excessive use of the shoulder for the first couple of days.  Overall, the results of viscosupplementation are not always immediate; improvement should be seen over overtime.